November 15, 2012

Christmas Preview

It really and truly is beginning to look at a lot like Christmas.

As much as I love fall, and as sad as I am to see the colorful leaves go, I am SO excited for the Christmas season. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because, though I love Christmas, it is right in the middle of the most joyful time of the year. The Christmas season is just getting started. Thanksgiving is like a kick-off party. Not to mention the fact that Thanksgiving is full of delicious food.

Now onto a controversial topic-- Black Friday. My mom, brother, and I have gone black Friday shopping together for the last five years or so. It has consistently been one of my FAVORITE memories. I just love everything it entails. Our Black Fridays begin around 4am when we wake up. We shop for a couple of hours, take a break to eat Chick Fil A for breakfast, and then continue to be the crazy people we are in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas shoppers. Post Chick Fil A and about an hour of more shopping, a Starbucks break is usually incredibly necessary. Especially since the minute we get home from shopping, the Christmas decorating begins. The hilarious thing about Black Friday is that we feel like we've shopped our LIFE away, yet it's only somewhere around 10am when we get home. This leaves plenty of time to put up the decorations :) My mom usually tries to convince me to wait until Saturday to decorate, but she never wins that argument. Tradition is tradition, ya know? And as far as I'm concerned, the sooner the decorations are up, the better. Anyway, the reason why I called this a controversial topic is because ALL OF THE STORES ARE OPENING ON THANKSGIVING NIGHT THIS YEAR. And I don't mean 11:59 or even 11:00. I mean 8:00. PM. On Thanksgiving. Some families haven't even eaten dinner at that time. Not only does this mess up our Black Friday tradition, but I'm sure it really puts a damper on the evenings of the workers who have to come in to the store the second they wake up from their afternoon nap (because we ALL take naps on Thanksgiving afternoon. Don't lie). To summarize, I don't like the change and would really appreciate it if the stores would return to opening at 4am. Please and thank you.

Anyway, now that you've heard my Black Friday rant, I can move on to showing you pictures of Christmas goodies! These were all made for an Open House at church tonight. Keep in mind that any of them can be ordered if your heart desires :)

If you haven't already done so, don't forget to check out for prices, flavors, pictures, and more. There's my plug. Now for Christmas.