The countdown has begun. 6 days until Thanksgiving, 7 days until Black Friday!
In honor of Thanksgiving, here are some Turkey cupcakes I made for all the kids in a little boy's school class. And no, they aren't made out of turkey. They're simply decorated like one. These were a CHALLENGE (and I mean challenge) to get into the bags without messing them up. I lost some eyes along the way, but were eventually all stuck back on.
The next couple of cupcakes were made for a class at church. They're cookies and cream and pumpkin spice. Both of these recipes are fantastic.
Mom even got to have one of the extras for her birthday. Polly enjoyed the down time, too :)
And finally, these pretzel sticks were also for the class at church. They can even be individually wrapped for gifts!
Well, with Thanksgiving next week, there will be PLENTY more food pictures to come!